Climate friendly travel
By train and without traffic jams comfortably to Bückeburg.
For centuries, the von Schaumburg-Lippe family has resided in an impressive castle, the construction of which began as early as 1300. Traditionally, parts of the historic building and the huge park grounds are still freely accessible today
How impressive, how picturesque and also how fairy-tale-like the four-winged, stately Bückeburg Castle appears to most people is probably best attested to by this amusing fact: There is a faithful replica of the Bückeburg Castle in Obihiro, Japan, on the island of Hokkaido! The associated amusement park is called "Fortune Kingdom". Alexander von Schaumburg-Lippe, who lives in the castle with his wife and son, must probably feel like the ruler of such a kingdom.
So not the one in Japan, but the original in Lower Saxony in the middle of the pretty residential town of Bückeburg. Especially on days when thousands of people roam the extensive grounds during the "Landpartie" in summer or the "Winterzauber" before Christmas, in search of fine junk, manufactured products for home and garden, and culinary delights, you can feel a little of the medieval fairy-tale spirit that must once have prevailed here. Especially since the castle grounds also house the stables of the "Fürstliche Hofreitschule" (Princely Riding School), which aims to preserve the European art of riding of past centuries with - we quote - "magnificent Baroque stallions". Another sight should not remain unmentioned: The mausoleum with its precious gold dome in a side park of the palace is the largest private mausoleum in the world.